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OAuth2 nodejs

I have worked on some PHP project that require Open Authentication 2.0. It mostly apply some existing solutions. But there are still work (not easy) to understand the basic of OAuth2 work and implememt it. Configure Google ie. app to get it work.
Recently I back with a project on NodeJS platform. And I have to jump to these problem, some has been change and some I have forgot it was changed or not.
Here some issues I noted as reference.
1. We need a domain with valid name as Google require. ie .com, .net etc... Use private IP seem to be very challange.
So short story, I have 2 optioms: 1st is register a free domain (seen i only test function) then point to my dev server (a free one too). 2nd I can use virtual host as many web app I've done before.
I end up with 2nd solution. Noted that I have to set up vhost or domain redirect on Android phone not simple a computer.
I chose this way because of it make dev more flexible and convinience on debug app on my local Node server.
2. As OAuth2 with Ionic and Node server it has some different with normal web browser as API server now more like RESfull API, response json instead of redirect...
I will discuss 1st problem first.
As I chose "the hard road", then there are some unexpected outcomes.
+ I have rooted my droid, samsung S7. It can be done after some ROM image not work.
+ Edit hosts file not work. It need an extra newline after I do some googling.
+ Flash rom and get root has some issue i will note detail later.
+ My device turn to lost finger print and I need finding around to use Flashfire make it back again.
+ My PC ADB turn to not recognize my S7 device for debug. I have no idea why it disapeare. I mean on PC site itself. If it caused by S7 device then I've try many twike and settings doesn't make sense.
In past time I've saw this problem sometime but don't remember how to bring it back. I will note this issue after it fixed.  Windows and droid drivers usb google etc. often is a nightmare. I think thus problem is on PC site because of it event not see my S7 sdcard and storage. My home linux can see this, i will try debug at home when finish work.
Another way is that i can build ionic apk then download on device, but i can not debug on the device.
After some try, It ended up at OEM Driver. The version of it is mess so new one seem to be fixed problem. Old Samsung driver has only 16MB compared to 25MB new.

Now all problems are solved and I can debug a vhost domain on my android Ionic app with my Dev PC run as server.
Android Studio problem with device list provide fixed url.

Can one gmail account signed in many Android device ?!msg/play/E5SNgJSn2U4/5DaHuXRqEAAJ

What does RESTful Authentication mean and how does it work? I can't find a good overview on Google. My only understanding is that you pass the session key (remeberal) in the URL, but this could be horribly wrong.
// Document about client g+ oAuth2. Android apply ...

Explain detail and carefully about how and why use (not formal) idToken on g OAuth2


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