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WP event-listener system in PHP ...
@MoarCodePlz: This implementation lacks of events/hook contexts. You can for example encapsulate events into classes of it's own as well so they can be fired (interface them). This would add another layer however. Another useful function is is_callable in this context.

  1. You are right in saying that MVC is more a architecture style rather than a design pattern good discussion here : Is MVC a Design Pattern or Architectural pattern
I hope this answers Your other two question too.
Observer Design pattern is a Behavirol pattern which is used when we want to notify all of the dependents of an object(say x) in the event of change of the object x. Good read:
And they both are closely related, as MVC you would see from MVC diagram - for example: A Change in 'View' Has to be notified to 'Model' and 'Controller' One efficient way to achieve such feature is Observer design pattern.
In fact the observer pattern was first implemented in Smalltalk's MVC based user 
interface framework.
Hope this helps!

- MVC is more of an architectural pattern, but not for complete application. MVC mostly relates to the UI / interaction layer of an application. You're still going to need business logic layer, maybe some service layer and data access layer. That is, if you're into n-tier approach.
- Yeah, I would say MVC is an architectural pattern for your Presentation tier.
- I strongly disagree on "MVC mostly relates to the UI / interaction layer of an application". The "M"/model in MVC is the business layer, which you'd probably want to split into multiple tiers.
Pedantic note: this is not an example of the Observer pattern. It's an example of the Mediator Pattern. True observers are purely notification, there is no message passing or conditional notification (nor is there a central manager for controlling notifications). It doesn't make the answer wrong, but it should be noted to stop people calling things by the wrong name...

CMS-like system, extendable and modular

event loop gives the illusion that code gets executed by "someone else".

Let me rephrase this: This is not parallel programming. The code executed in the last script executes sequentially, however the event loop gives the illusion that code gets executed by "someone else".

A common problem that developers face when building applications is how to allow the application to be “plug-able” at runtime. Meaning, to allow non-core code to modify the way an application is processed at runtime.

WordPress as a project has extreme commitment to backwards compatibility.

So regardless of how WP started as non–MVC application, it cannot become one without retaining all of its non–MVC ways. Which makes it pretty pointless direction.

Coming from formal background MVC might seem like a baseline and "naturally" preferable way to organize. Coming from self–taught background (or lack of programming background entirely) it's mostly overblown abstraction which even people who like it cannot agree on.

WordPress largely targets users, not developers.

A framework is a collection of libraries that makes architectural decisions for a user


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