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Stripe YITH-WC Credit Card
It seem that case many webhook is rarely happened and can be avoid easily by simple remove test site webhook ?

Update the user’s credit card to be one that will fail to charge (4000000000000341 is the test card number that Stripe provides for this purpose).

Test expected payment status: on Testing status response section

For test webhook
See how to build a module

11. Invoice charge attempt succeeds
The normal course of events with a subscription is that the invoice is paid properly and on time. Stripe will send an `invoice.created` event one hour before attempting to pay the invoice, which gives you time to add items to the invoice for balance billing or utility-style billing purposes.

invoice.created (Invoice )
invoice.payment_succeeded (Invoice )
charge.succeeded (Charge )

I still have no idea how oto use ngrok. After search about using ngork with vhost and dig a bit ab it I see that as first document said It is used in local environment when Stripe event can not reach. Because of it do not know your localhost or is from. So we need ngrok to route it event to your localhost.




cron: ywsbs_customer_subscription_before_expired_mail
cron: ywsbs_cancel_subscription_expired

automatic renew
infinite renew/
cancelled expire subs
cronjob 12h on cancel subs
subscription length
manually cancel subs

Compare Expire date
"period_end": 1529226371

date -d 'June 17, 2018 7:06 pm' +"%s"

date -d @1529258760
Sun Jun 17 19:06:00 BST 2018

Paypal has IPN or something like this to sync status/data subscription between Paypal server and WC.
Yith-Stripe has webhook too, but it seem have issue and/or business logic unclear.

wp cron event run --all
--due-now : what the fuck this shit do ?
It do not run all cron now but may be cron that will run within short time ?
--all run all cron as expected NOW.

Paypal config API (API signature, credential...)
API credentials
Enter your PayPal API credentials to process refunds via PayPal. Learn how to access your PayPal API Credentials.
These shit 3 word make me confuse. With my creepy English I think this config is only used for refund :).
It not refund but all sync
After 8 years of doing the nine-to-five for other companies and watching them make the same mistakes over and over he set out in business on his own, forming Squelch Design to help businesses get online and make money.

function my_log($data) {
$log = WP_CONTENT_DIR . "/log2.txt";
$ln = "\r\n";
file_put_contents($log, json_encode($data).$ln, FILE_APPEND);


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