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Tools for write documentation in HTML/webpage and or other format

Some sites work without JS
You know what? Amazon and Twitter can work without JS!

I'm not biased and not a fan of choices (please read J. Krishnamurti) or comparison. But anyway I love simple, clean way of represent knowledge, information. In college, you can see many book, especially technical book are written in a very clear and easy to understand way, event it's problem is complex and or complicated. Art or psychological, social science ... are different ?

Some simple and amazing website content:

Tools for write HTML, XML, code (certainly with highlight)...
From M. Fowler book - Patterns of EA Architecture.
See Colophon section:
This is the first book that I wrote using XML and related technologies. The
master text was written as a series of XML documents using trusty TextPad. I
also used a home-grown DTD. While I was working I used XSLT to generate
the web pages for the HTML site. For the diagrams I relied on my old friend
Visio using Pavel Hruby’s wonderful UML templates (much better than those
that come with the tool. I have a link on my Web site if you want them.) I wrote
a small program that automatically imported the code examples into the output, which saved me from the usual nightmare of code cut and paste. For my
first draft I tried XSL-FO with Apache FOP. At the time it wasn’t quite up to the
job, so for later work I wrote scripts in XSLT and Ruby to import the text into
I used several open source tools while working on this book—in particular,
JUnit, NUnit, ant, Xerces, Xalan, Tomcat, Jboss, Ruby, and Hsql. My thanks to
the many developers of these tools. There was also a long list of commercial
tools. In particular, I relied on Visual Studio for .NET and on IntelliJ’s wonderful Idea—the first IDE that’s excited me since Smalltalk—for Java.

Example of code hightlight very beautiful and simple from M. Fowler.


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