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Periodic error when creating Custom Collection "expected Array to be a Hash"

I have tried some try catch script but no luck. It seem Shopify throw error that can not catch or something else. I do not have much knowledge about PHP try catch exception.

So I use simple way to detect error response and then sleep for a while then retry again. Because of this issue happen periodically (or may be randomly) and product data that send is OK.

Edit ShopifyResource.php (in /vendor/phpclassic/... or in shopify-laravel lib)
This function, at line about 508:
     * Process the request response
     * @param array $responseArray Request response in array format
     * @param string $dataKey Keyname to fetch data from response array
     * @throws ApiException if the response has an error specified
     * @throws CurlException if response received with unexpected HTTP code.
     * @return array
    public function processResponse($responseArray, $dataKey = null)
        self::$lastHttpResponseHeaders = CurlRequest::$lastHttpResponseHeaders;

        if ($responseArray === null) {
            //Something went wrong, Checking HTTP Codes
            $httpOK = 200; //Request Successful, OK.
            $httpCreated = 201; //Create Successful.
            $httpDeleted = 204; //Delete Successful

            //should be null if any other library used for http calls
            $httpCode = CurlRequest::$lastHttpCode;

            if ($httpCode != null && $httpCode != $httpOK && $httpCode != $httpCreated && $httpCode != $httpDeleted) {
                // throw new Exception\CurlException("Request failed with HTTP Code $httpCode.");
                // Append a error flag instead of throw error.
                $responseArray['publication_err_flg'] = 2;
                return $responseArray;

        $lastResponseHeaders = CurlRequest::$lastHttpResponseHeaders;

        if (isset($responseArray['errors'])) {
            $message = $this->castString($responseArray['errors']);

            // Append custom error flag
            $responseArray['publication_err_flg'] = 1;
            return $responseArray;
            // throw new ApiException($message, CurlRequest::$lastHttpCode);

        if ($dataKey && isset($responseArray[$dataKey])) {
            return $responseArray[$dataKey];
        } else {
            return $responseArray;

In Controller (Laravel) we can use response code (error flag) to avoid crash/ throw error.

$new_collect = $this->constructShopifyCollectionSameYMMO($products);
            $response = $shopify->CustomCollection->post($new_collect);

            if (isset($response['publication_err_flg'])) {
                $failed_collection = $new_collect;
                Log::debug('Error at '. $products[0]->pro_id. " code= ". $response['publication_err_flg']);
                // Retry
                $response = $shopify->CustomCollection->post($failed_collection);

                // 3rd try 
                if (isset($response['publication_err_flg'])) {
                    Log::debug('2nd Error at '. $products[0]->pro_id. " code= ". $response['publication_err_flg']);
                    $response3 = $shopify->CustomCollection->post($failed_collection);
                    if (isset($response3['publication_err_flg'])) {
                        Log::debug('3rd Error at '. $products[0]->pro_id. " code= ". $response['publication_err_flg']);
                } else {
                    $this->logCreateCollection($response, $ymmo, $products[0]->pro_id);
            } else {
                // Handle result. TODO try-catch
                Log::debug("Shopify Collect ". $ymmo['year']. "_". @$ymmo['makename']. "_". $ymmo['modelname']. "_". $ymmo['submodelname'].  " Collect ID ". @$response['id']. " ". $products[0]->pro_id);

                // Update shopify_collect_id back to Drilled.product
                // dd($response);

This is a dodgy work and code are not refactor and optimized. You may need to modify to suite your business logic.

Hope this help.


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