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( ! ) Fatal error: Maximum function nesting level of '256' reached, aborting! in
/var/www/NTQ/ems/src/include/base/Util.php on line 50
Call Stack
# Time Memory Function Location
1 0.0000 232888 {main}( ) .../index.php:0
2 0.0389 4267800 MVC::Call( ) .../index.php:13
3 0.0394 4321944 AppSearchController­>doSearch( ) .../mvc.php:47
4 0.0399 4366016 AppSearchView­>drawSearchResultPage( ) .../controller.php:36
5 0.0399 4382656 questionSystem­>drawSearch( ) .../view.php:52
6 0.0399 4383144 Template::drawTemplate( ) .../questionSystem.php:41
7 0.0399 4383464 Template::getTemplateString( ) .../Template.php:69
8 0.0404 4385176 GUIManager­>getString( ) .../Template.php:82
9 0.0440 4494784 GUIManager­>commandComment( ) .../GUIManager.php:577
10 0.0442 4497928 ccProc::controller( ) .../GUIManager.php:789
11 0.0442 4497976 ccProc::code( ) .../ccProc.php:47
12 0.0442 4498768 Command­>embedSearch( ) .../ccProc.php:1066
13 0.0450 4522376 questionSystem­>drawSearch( ) .../Command.php:1644
14 0.0450 4522616 Template::drawTemplate( ) .../questionSystem.php:41
15 0.0450 4522808 Template::getTemplateString( ) .../Template.php:69
16 0.0450 4522808 GUIManager­>getString( ) .../Template.php:82
17 0.0472 4529968 GUIManager­>commandComment( ) .../GUIManager.php:577
18 0.0473 4533112 ccProc::controller( ) .../GUIManager.php:789
19 0.0473 4533112 ccProc::code( ) .../ccProc.php:47
20 0.0473 4533592 Command­>embedSearch( ) .../ccProc.php:1066
21 0.0481 4556976 questionSystem­>drawSearch( ) .../Command.php:1644
22 0.0481 4557216 Template::drawTemplate( ) .../questionSystem.php:41
23 0.0481 4557408 Template::getTemplateString( ) .../Template.php:69
24 0.0481 4557408 GUIManager­>getString( ) .../Template.php:82
25 0.0505 4564568 GUIManager­>commandComment( ) .../GUIManager.php:577
26 0.0506 4567712 ccProc::controller( ) .../GUIManager.php:789
27 0.0506 4567712 ccProc::code( ) .../ccProc.php:47
28 0.0506 4568192 Command­>embedSearch( ) .../ccProc.php:1066
29 0.0515 4591576 questionSystem­>drawSearch( ) .../Command.php:1644
30 0.0515 4591816 Template::drawTemplate( ) .../questionSystem.php:41
31 0.0515 4592008 Template::getTemplateString( ) .../Template.php:69
32 0.0515 4592008 GUIManager­>getString( ) .../Template.php:82
33 0.0535 4599168 GUIManager­>commandComment( ) .../GUIManager.php:577
34 0.0537 4602312 ccProc::controller( ) .../GUIManager.php:789
35 0.0537 4602312 ccProc::code( ) .../ccProc.php:47
36 0.0537 4602792 Command­>embedSearch( ) .../ccProc.php:1066
37 0.0543 4626176 questionSystem­>drawSearch( ) .../Command.php:1644
38 0.0543 4626416 Template::drawTemplate( ) .../questionSystem.php:41
39 0.0543 4626608 Template::getTemplateString( ) .../Template.php:69
40 0.0543 4626608 GUIManager­>getString( ) .../Template.php:82
41 0.0562 4633768 GUIManager­>commandComment( ) .../GUIManager.php:577
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42 0.0564 4636912 ccProc::controller( ) .../GUIManager.php:789
43 0.0564 4636912 ccProc::code( ) .../ccProc.php:47
44 0.0564 4637392 Command­>embedSearch( ) .../ccProc.php:1066
45 0.0570 4660776 questionSystem­>drawSearch( ) .../Command.php:1644
46 0.0570 4661016 Template::drawTemplate( ) .../questionSystem.php:41
47 0.0570 4661208 Template::getTemplateString( ) .../Template.php:69
48 0.0570 4661208 GUIManager­>getString( ) .../Template.php:82
49 0.0593 4668368 GUIManager­>commandComment( ) .../GUIManager.php:577
50 0.0595 4671512 ccProc::controller( ) .../GUIManager.php:789
51 0.0595 4671512 ccProc::code( ) .../ccProc.php:47
52 0.0595 4671992 Command­>embedSearch( ) .../ccProc.php:1066
53 0.0609 4695376 questionSystem­>drawSearch( ) .../Command.php:1644
54 0.0609 4695616 Template::drawTemplate( ) .../questionSystem.php:41
55 0.0609 4695808 Template::getTemplateString( ) .../Template.php:69
56 0.0609 4695808 GUIManager­>getString( ) .../Template.php:82
57 0.0629 4702968 GUIManager­>commandComment( ) .../GUIManager.php:577
58 0.0634 4706112 ccProc::controller( ) .../GUIManager.php:789
59 0.0635 4706112 ccProc::code( ) .../ccProc.php:47
60 0.0635 4706592 Command­>embedSearch( ) .../ccProc.php:1066
61 0.0643 4729976 questionSystem­>drawSearch( ) .../Command.php:1644
62 0.0643 4730216 Template::drawTemplate( ) .../questionSystem.php:41
63 0.0643 4730408 Template::getTemplateString( ) .../Template.php:69
64 0.0643 4730408 GUIManager­>getString( ) .../Template.php:82
65 0.0674 4737632 GUIManager­>commandComment( ) .../GUIManager.php:577
66 0.0676 4740776 ccProc::controller( ) .../GUIManager.php:789
67 0.0676 4740776 ccProc::code( ) .../ccProc.php:47
68 0.0676 4741256 Command­>embedSearch( ) .../ccProc.php:1066
69 0.0684 4764640 questionSystem­>drawSearch( ) .../Command.php:1644
70 0.0684 4764880 Template::drawTemplate( ) .../questionSystem.php:41
71 0.0684 4765072 Template::getTemplateString( ) .../Template.php:69
72 0.0684 4765072 GUIManager­>getString( ) .../Template.php:82
73 0.0704 4772232 GUIManager­>commandComment( ) .../GUIManager.php:577
74 0.0706 4775376 ccProc::controller( ) .../GUIManager.php:789
75 0.0706 4775376 ccProc::code( ) .../ccProc.php:47
76 0.0706 4775856 Command­>embedSearch( ) .../ccProc.php:1066
77 0.0714 4799240 questionSystem­>drawSearch( ) .../Command.php:1644
78 0.0714 4799480 Template::drawTemplate( ) .../questionSystem.php:41
79 0.0714 4799672 Template::getTemplateString( ) .../Template.php:69
80 0.0714 4799672 GUIManager­>getString( ) .../Template.php:82
81 0.0734 4806832 GUIManager­>commandComment( ) .../GUIManager.php:577
82 0.0735 4809976 ccProc::controller( ) .../GUIManager.php:789
83 0.0735 4809976 ccProc::code( ) .../ccProc.php:47
84 0.0735 4810456 Command­>embedSearch( ) .../ccProc.php:1066
85 0.0742 4833840 questionSystem­>drawSearch( ) .../Command.php:1644
86 0.0742 4834080 Template::drawTemplate( ) .../questionSystem.php:41
87 0.0742 4834272 Template::getTemplateString( ) .../Template.php:69
88 0.0742 4834272 GUIManager­>getString( ) .../Template.php:82
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89 0.0761 4841432 GUIManager­>commandComment( ) .../GUIManager.php:577
90 0.0763 4844576 ccProc::controller( ) .../GUIManager.php:789
91 0.0763 4844576 ccProc::code( ) .../ccProc.php:47
92 0.0763 4845056 Command­>embedSearch( ) .../ccProc.php:1066
93 0.0770 4868440 questionSystem­>drawSearch( ) .../Command.php:1644
94 0.0770 4868680 Template::drawTemplate( ) .../questionSystem.php:41
95 0.0770 4868872 Template::getTemplateString( ) .../Template.php:69
96 0.0770 4868872 GUIManager­>getString( ) .../Template.php:82
97 0.0789 4876032 GUIManager­>commandComment( ) .../GUIManager.php:577
98 0.0791 4879176 ccProc::controller( ) .../GUIManager.php:789
99 0.0791 4879176 ccProc::code( ) .../ccProc.php:47
100 0.0791 4879656 Command­>embedSearch( ) .../ccProc.php:1066
101 0.0797 4903040 questionSystem­>drawSearch( ) .../Command.php:1644
102 0.0797 4903280 Template::drawTemplate( ) .../questionSystem.php:41
103 0.0797 4903472 Template::getTemplateString( ) .../Template.php:69
104 0.0798 4903472 GUIManager­>getString( ) .../Template.php:82
105 0.0817 4910632 GUIManager­>commandComment( ) .../GUIManager.php:577
106 0.0818 4913776 ccProc::controller( ) .../GUIManager.php:789
107 0.0818 4913776 ccProc::code( ) .../ccProc.php:47
108 0.0818 4914256 Command­>embedSearch( ) .../ccProc.php:1066
109 0.0825 4937640 questionSystem­>drawSearch( ) .../Command.php:1644
110 0.0825 4937880 Template::drawTemplate( ) .../questionSystem.php:41
111 0.0825 4938072 Template::getTemplateString( ) .../Template.php:69
112 0.0825 4938072 GUIManager­>getString( ) .../Template.php:82
113 0.0845 4945232 GUIManager­>commandComment( ) .../GUIManager.php:577
114 0.0847 4948376 ccProc::controller( ) .../GUIManager.php:789
115 0.0847 4948376 ccProc::code( ) .../ccProc.php:47
116 0.0847 4948856 Command­>embedSearch( ) .../ccProc.php:1066
117 0.0854 4972240 questionSystem­>drawSearch( ) .../Command.php:1644
118 0.0854 4972480 Template::drawTemplate( ) .../questionSystem.php:41
119 0.0854 4972672 Template::getTemplateString( ) .../Template.php:69
120 0.0854 4972672 GUIManager­>getString( ) .../Template.php:82
121 0.0875 4979832 GUIManager­>commandComment( ) .../GUIManager.php:577
122 0.0876 4982976 ccProc::controller( ) .../GUIManager.php:789
123 0.0876 4982976 ccProc::code( ) .../ccProc.php:47
124 0.0876 4983456 Command­>embedSearch( ) .../ccProc.php:1066
125 0.0883 5006840 questionSystem­>drawSearch( ) .../Command.php:1644
126 0.0883 5007080 Template::drawTemplate( ) .../questionSystem.php:41
127 0.0883 5007272 Template::getTemplateString( ) .../Template.php:69
128 0.0883 5007272 GUIManager­>getString( ) .../Template.php:82
129 0.0903 5014560 GUIManager­>commandComment( ) .../GUIManager.php:577
130 0.0904 5017704 ccProc::controller( ) .../GUIManager.php:789
131 0.0904 5017704 ccProc::code( ) .../ccProc.php:47
132 0.0905 5018184 Command­>embedSearch( ) .../ccProc.php:1066
133 0.0912 5041568 questionSystem­>drawSearch( ) .../Command.php:1644
134 0.0912 5041808 Template::drawTemplate( ) .../questionSystem.php:41
135 0.0912 5042000 Template::getTemplateString( ) .../Template.php:69
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136 0.0912 5042000 GUIManager­>getString( ) .../Template.php:82
137 0.0939 5049160 GUIManager­>commandComment( ) .../GUIManager.php:577
138 0.0941 5052304 ccProc::controller( ) .../GUIManager.php:789
139 0.0941 5052304 ccProc::code( ) .../ccProc.php:47
140 0.0941 5052784 Command­>embedSearch( ) .../ccProc.php:1066
141 0.0950 5076168
questionSystem­>drawSearch( ) .../Command.php:1644
142 0.0950 5076408 Template::drawTemplate( ) .../questionSystem.php:41
143 0.0950 5076600 Template::getTemplateString( ) .../Template.php:69
144 0.0950 5076600 GUIManager­>getString( ) .../Template.php:82
145 0.0985 5083760 GUIManager­>commandComment( ) .../GUIManager.php:577
146 0.0989 5086904 ccProc::controller( ) .../GUIManager.php:789
147 0.0989 5086904 ccProc::code( ) .../ccProc.php:47
148 0.0989 5087384 Command­>embedSearch( ) .../ccProc.php:1066
149 0.1001 5110768 questionSystem­>drawSearch( ) .../Command.php:1644
150 0.1001 5111008 Template::drawTemplate( ) .../questionSystem.php:41
151 0.1001 5111200 Template::getTemplateString( ) .../Template.php:69
152 0.1001 5111200 GUIManager­>getString( ) .../Template.php:82
153 0.1031 5118360 GUIManager­>commandComment( ) .../GUIManager.php:577
154 0.1033 5121504 ccProc::controller( ) .../GUIManager.php:789
155 0.1033 5121504 ccProc::code( ) .../ccProc.php:47
156 0.1033 5121984 Command­>embedSearch( ) .../ccProc.php:1066
157 0.1046 5145368 questionSystem­>drawSearch( ) .../Command.php:1644
158 0.1046 5145608 Template::drawTemplate( ) .../questionSystem.php:41
159 0.1046 5145800 Template::getTemplateString( ) .../Template.php:69
160 0.1046 5145800 GUIManager­>getString( ) .../Template.php:82
161 0.1074 5152960 GUIManager­>commandComment( ) .../GUIManager.php:577
162 0.1077 5156104 ccProc::controller( ) .../GUIManager.php:789
163 0.1077 5156104 ccProc::code( ) .../ccProc.php:47
164 0.1077 5156584 Command­>embedSearch( ) .../ccProc.php:1066
165 0.1084 5179968 questionSystem­>drawSearch( ) .../Command.php:1644
166 0.1084 5180208 Template::drawTemplate( ) .../questionSystem.php:41
167 0.1084 5180400 Template::getTemplateString( ) .../Template.php:69
168 0.1084 5180400 GUIManager­>getString( ) .../Template.php:82
169 0.1103 5187560 GUIManager­>commandComment( ) .../GUIManager.php:577
170 0.1105 5190704 ccProc::controller( ) .../GUIManager.php:789
171 0.1105 5190704 ccProc::code( ) .../ccProc.php:47
172 0.1105 5191184 Command­>embedSearch( ) .../ccProc.php:1066
173 0.1111 5214568 questionSystem­>drawSearch( ) .../Command.php:1644
174 0.1112 5214808 Template::drawTemplate( ) .../questionSystem.php:41
175 0.1112 5215000 Template::getTemplateString( ) .../Template.php:69
176 0.1112 5215000 GUIManager­>getString( ) .../Template.php:82
177 0.1132 5222160
GUIManager­>commandComment( ) .../GUIManager.php:577
178 0.1134 5225304 ccProc::controller( ) .../GUIManager.php:789
179 0.1134 5225304 ccProc::code( ) .../ccProc.php:47
180 0.1134 5225784 Command­>embedSearch( ) .../ccProc.php:1066
181 0.1143 5249168 questionSystem­>drawSearch( ) .../Command.php:1644
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182 0.1143 5249408 Template::drawTemplate( ) .../questionSystem.php:41
183 0.1143 5249600 Template::getTemplateString( ) .../Template.php:69
184 0.1143 5249600 GUIManager­>getString( ) .../Template.php:82
185 0.1164 5256760 GUIManager­>commandComment( ) .../GUIManager.php:577
186 0.1167 5259904 ccProc::controller( ) .../GUIManager.php:789
187 0.1167 5259904 ccProc::code( ) .../ccProc.php:47
188 0.1167 5260384 Command­>embedSearch( ) .../ccProc.php:1066
189 0.1176 5283768 questionSystem­>drawSearch( ) .../Command.php:1644
190 0.1176 5284008 Template::drawTemplate( ) .../questionSystem.php:41
191 0.1176 5284200 Template::getTemplateString( ) .../Template.php:69
192 0.1176 5284200 GUIManager­>getString( ) .../Template.php:82
193 0.1197 5291360 GUIManager­>commandComment( ) .../GUIManager.php:577
194 0.1198 5294504 ccProc::controller( ) .../GUIManager.php:789
195 0.1198 5294504 ccProc::code( ) .../ccProc.php:47
196 0.1198 5294984 Command­>embedSearch( ) .../ccProc.php:1066
197 0.1213 5318368 questionSystem­>drawSearch( ) .../Command.php:1644
198 0.1213 5318608 Template::drawTemplate( ) .../questionSystem.php:41
199 0.1213 5318800 Template::getTemplateString( ) .../Template.php:69
200 0.1213 5318800 GUIManager­>getString( ) .../Template.php:82
201 0.1233 5325960 GUIManager­>commandComment( ) .../GUIManager.php:577
202 0.1235 5329104 ccProc::controller( ) .../GUIManager.php:789
203 0.1235 5329104 ccProc::code( ) .../ccProc.php:47
204 0.1235 5329584 Command­>embedSearch( ) .../ccProc.php:1066
205 0.1241 5352968 questionSystem­>drawSearch( ) .../Command.php:1644
206 0.1241 5353208 Template::drawTemplate( ) .../questionSystem.php:41
207 0.1241 5353400 Template::getTemplateString( ) .../Template.php:69
208 0.1241 5353400 GUIManager­>getString( ) .../Template.php:82
209 0.1261 5360560 GUIManager­>commandComment( ) .../GUIManager.php:577
210 0.1262 5363704 ccProc::controller( ) .../GUIManager.php:789
211 0.1262 5363704 ccProc::code( ) .../ccProc.php:47
212 0.1262 5364184 Command­>embedSearch( ) .../ccProc.php:1066
213 0.1269 5387568 questionSystem­>drawSearch( ) .../Command.php:1644
214 0.1269 5387808 Template::drawTemplate( ) .../questionSystem.php:41
215 0.1269 5388000 Template::getTemplateString( ) .../Template.php:69
216 0.1269 5388000 GUIManager­>getString( ) .../Template.php:82
217 0.1288 5395160 GUIManager­>commandComment( ) .../GUIManager.php:577
218 0.1290 5398304 ccProc::controller( ) .../GUIManager.php:789
219 0.1290 5398304 ccProc::code( ) .../ccProc.php:47
220 0.1290 5398784 Command­>embedSearch( ) .../ccProc.php:1066
221 0.1297 5422168 questionSystem­>drawSearch( ) .../Command.php:1644
222 0.1297 5422408 Template::drawTemplate( ) .../questionSystem.php:41
223 0.1297 5422600 Template::getTemplateString( ) .../Template.php:69
224 0.1297 5422600 GUIManager­>getString( ) .../Template.php:82
225 0.1317 5429760 GUIManager­>commandComment( ) .../GUIManager.php:577
226 0.1319 5432904 ccProc::controller( ) .../GUIManager.php:789
227 0.1319 5432904 ccProc::code( ) .../ccProc.php:47
228 0.1319 5433384 Command­>embedSearch( ) .../ccProc.php:1066
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229 0.1326 5456768 questionSystem­>drawSearch( ) .../Command.php:1644
230 0.1326 5457008 Template::drawTemplate( ) .../questionSystem.php:41
231 0.1327 5457200 Template::getTemplateString( ) .../Template.php:69
232 0.1327 5457200 GUIManager­>getString( ) .../Template.php:82
233 0.1356 5464360 GUIManager­>commandComment( ) .../GUIManager.php:577
234 0.1358 5467504 ccProc::controller( ) .../GUIManager.php:789
235 0.1358 5467504 ccProc::code( ) .../ccProc.php:47
236 0.1358 5467984 Command­>embedSearch( ) .../ccProc.php:1066
237 0.1366 5491368 questionSystem­>drawSearch( ) .../Command.php:1644
238 0.1366 5491608 Template::drawTemplate( ) .../questionSystem.php:41
239 0.1366 5491800 Template::getTemplateString( ) .../Template.php:69
240 0.1366 5491800 GUIManager­>getString( ) .../Template.php:82
241 0.1386 5498960 GUIManager­>commandComment( ) .../GUIManager.php:577
242 0.1388 5502104 ccProc::controller( ) .../GUIManager.php:789
243 0.1388 5502104 ccProc::code( ) .../ccProc.php:47
244 0.1388 5502584 Command­>embedSearch( ) .../ccProc.php:1066
245 0.1395 5525968 questionSystem­>drawSearch( ) .../Command.php:1644
246 0.1395 5526208 Template::drawTemplate( ) .../questionSystem.php:41
247 0.1395 5526400 Template::getTemplateString( ) .../Template.php:69
248 0.1396 5526400 GUIManager­>getString( ) .../Template.php:82
249 0.1396 5527856 GUIManager­>commandComment( ) .../GUIManager.php:577
250 0.1396 5530552 ccProc::controller( ) .../GUIManager.php:789
251 0.1396 5530552 ccProc::drawDesign( ) .../ccProc.php:41
252 0.1396 5530648 GUIManager­>getString( ) .../ccProc.php:1335
253 0.1397 5532472 GUIManager­>commandComment( ) .../GUIManager.php:577
254 0.1399 5535552 ccProc::controller( ) .../GUIManager.php:789
255 0.1399 5535552 ccProc::ecode( ) .../ccProc.php:47
256 0.1399 5536032 Extension­>getSiteProfile( ) .../ccProc.php:1078
( ! ) Fatal error: Maximum function nesting level of '256' reached, aborting! in Unknown on line 0
Call Stack
# Time Memory Function Location
1 0.0000 232888 {main}( ) .../index.php:0
2 0.0389 4267800 MVC::Call( ) .../index.php:13
3 0.0394 4321944 AppSearchController­>doSearch( ) .../mvc.php:47
4 0.0399 4366016 AppSearchView­>drawSearchResultPage( ) .../controller.php:36
5 0.0399 4382656 questionSystem­>drawSearch( ) .../view.php:52
6 0.0399 4383144 Template::drawTemplate( ) .../questionSystem.php:41
7 0.0399 4383464 Template::getTemplateString( ) .../Template.php:69
8 0.0404 4385176 GUIManager­>getString( ) .../Template.php:82
9 0.0440 4494784 GUIManager­>commandComment( ) .../GUIManager.php:577
10 0.0442 4497928 ccProc::controller( ) .../GUIManager.php:789
11 0.0442 4497976 ccProc::code( ) .../ccProc.php:47
12 0.0442 4498768 Command­>embedSearch( ) .../ccProc.php:1066
13 0.0450 4522376 questionSystem­>drawSearch( ) .../Command.php:1644
14 0.0450 4522616 Template::drawTemplate( ) .../questionSystem.php:41
15 0.0450 4522808 Template::getTemplateString( ) .../Template.php:69
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16 0.0450 4522808 GUIManager­>getString( ) .../Template.php:82
17 0.0472 4529968 GUIManager­>commandComment( ) .../GUIManager.php:577
18 0.0473 4533112 ccProc::controller( ) .../GUIManager.php:789
19 0.0473 4533112 ccProc::code( ) .../ccProc.php:47
20 0.0473 4533592 Command­>embedSearch( ) .../ccProc.php:1066
21 0.0481 4556976 questionSystem­>drawSearch( ) .../Command.php:1644
22 0.0481 4557216 Template::drawTemplate( ) .../questionSystem.php:41
23 0.0481 4557408 Template::getTemplateString( ) .../Template.php:69
24 0.0481 4557408 GUIManager­>getString( ) .../Template.php:82
25 0.0505 4564568 GUIManager­>commandComment( ) .../GUIManager.php:577
26 0.0506 4567712 ccProc::controller( ) .../GUIManager.php:789
27 0.0506 4567712 ccProc::code( ) .../ccProc.php:47
28 0.0506 4568192 Command­>embedSearch( ) .../ccProc.php:1066
29 0.0515 4591576 questionSystem­>drawSearch( ) .../Command.php:1644
30 0.0515 4591816 Template::drawTemplate( ) .../questionSystem.php:41
31 0.0515 4592008 Template::getTemplateString( ) .../Template.php:69
32 0.0515 4592008 GUIManager­>getString( ) .../Template.php:82
33 0.0535 4599168 GUIManager­>commandComment( ) .../GUIManager.php:577
34 0.0537 4602312 ccProc::controller( ) .../GUIManager.php:789
35 0.0537 4602312 ccProc::code( ) .../ccProc.php:47
36 0.0537 4602792 Command­>embedSearch( ) .../ccProc.php:1066
37 0.0543 4626176 questionSystem­>drawSearch( ) .../Command.php:1644
38 0.0543 4626416 Template::drawTemplate( ) .../questionSystem.php:41
39 0.0543 4626608 Template::getTemplateString( ) .../Template.php:69
40 0.0543 4626608 GUIManager­>getString( ) .../Template.php:82
41 0.0562 4633768 GUIManager­>commandComment( ) .../GUIManager.php:577
42 0.0564 4636912 ccProc::controller( ) .../GUIManager.php:789
43 0.0564 4636912 ccProc::code( ) .../ccProc.php:47
44 0.0564 4637392 Command­>embedSearch( ) .../ccProc.php:1066
45 0.0570 4660776 questionSystem­>drawSearch( ) .../Command.php:1644
46 0.0570 4661016 Template::drawTemplate( ) .../questionSystem.php:41
47 0.0570 4661208 Template::getTemplateString( ) .../Template.php:69
48 0.0570 4661208 GUIManager­>getString( ) .../Template.php:82
49 0.0593 4668368 GUIManager­>commandComment( ) .../GUIManager.php:577
50 0.0595 4671512 ccProc::controller( ) .../GUIManager.php:789
51 0.0595 4671512 ccProc::code( ) .../ccProc.php:47
52 0.0595 4671992 Command­>embedSearch( ) .../ccProc.php:1066
53 0.0609 4695376 questionSystem­>drawSearch( ) .../Command.php:1644
54 0.0609 4695616 Template::drawTemplate( ) .../questionSystem.php:41
55 0.0609 4695808 Template::getTemplateString( ) .../Template.php:69
56 0.0609 4695808 GUIManager­>getString( ) .../Template.php:82
57 0.0629 4702968 GUIManager­>commandComment( ) .../GUIManager.php:577
58 0.0634 4706112 ccProc::controller( ) .../GUIManager.php:789
59 0.0635 4706112 ccProc::code( ) .../ccProc.php:47
60 0.0635 4706592 Command­>embedSearch( ) .../ccProc.php:1066
61 0.0643 4729976 questionSystem­>drawSearch( ) .../Command.php:1644
62 0.0643 4730216 Template::drawTemplate( ) .../questionSystem.php:41
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63 0.0643 4730408 Template::getTemplateString( ) .../Template.php:69
64 0.0643 4730408 GUIManager­>getString( ) .../Template.php:82
65 0.0674 4737632 GUIManager­>commandComment( ) .../GUIManager.php:577
66 0.0676 4740776 ccProc::controller( ) .../GUIManager.php:789
67 0.0676 4740776 ccProc::code( ) .../ccProc.php:47
68 0.0676 4741256 Command­>embedSearch( ) .../ccProc.php:1066
69 0.0684 4764640 questionSystem­>drawSearch( ) .../Command.php:1644
70 0.0684 4764880 Template::drawTemplate( ) .../questionSystem.php:41
71 0.0684 4765072 Template::getTemplateString( ) .../Template.php:69
72 0.0684 4765072 GUIManager­>getString( ) .../Template.php:82
73 0.0704 4772232 GUIManager­>commandComment( ) .../GUIManager.php:577
74 0.0706 4775376 ccProc::controller( ) .../GUIManager.php:789
75 0.0706 4775376 ccProc::code( ) .../ccProc.php:47
76 0.0706 4775856 Command­>embedSearch( ) .../ccProc.php:1066
77 0.0714 4799240 questionSystem­>drawSearch( ) .../Command.php:1644
78 0.0714 4799480 Template::drawTemplate( ) .../questionSystem.php:41
79 0.0714 4799672 Template::getTemplateString( ) .../Template.php:69
80 0.0714 4799672 GUIManager­>getString( ) .../Template.php:82
81 0.0734 4806832 GUIManager­>commandComment( ) .../GUIManager.php:577
82 0.0735 4809976 ccProc::controller( ) .../GUIManager.php:789
83 0.0735 4809976 ccProc::code( ) .../ccProc.php:47
84 0.0735 4810456 Command­>embedSearch( ) .../ccProc.php:1066
85 0.0742 4833840 questionSystem­>drawSearch( ) .../Command.php:1644
86 0.0742 4834080 Template::drawTemplate( ) .../questionSystem.php:41
87 0.0742 4834272 Template::getTemplateString( ) .../Template.php:69
88 0.0742 4834272 GUIManager­>getString( ) .../Template.php:82
89 0.0761 4841432 GUIManager­>commandComment( ) .../GUIManager.php:577
90 0.0763 4844576 ccProc::controller( ) .../GUIManager.php:789
91 0.0763 4844576 ccProc::code( ) .../ccProc.php:47
92 0.0763 4845056 Command­>embedSearch( ) .../ccProc.php:1066
93 0.0770 4868440 questionSystem­>drawSearch( ) .../Command.php:1644
94 0.0770 4868680 Template::drawTemplate( ) .../questionSystem.php:41
95 0.0770 4868872 Template::getTemplateString( ) .../Template.php:69
96 0.0770 4868872 GUIManager­>getString( ) .../Template.php:82
97 0.0789 4876032 GUIManager­>commandComment( ) .../GUIManager.php:577
98 0.0791 4879176 ccProc::controller( ) .../GUIManager.php:789
99 0.0791 4879176 ccProc::code( ) .../ccProc.php:47
100 0.0791 4879656 Command­>embedSearch( ) .../ccProc.php:1066
101 0.0797 4903040 questionSystem­>drawSearch( ) .../Command.php:1644
102 0.0797 4903280 Template::drawTemplate( ) .../questionSystem.php:41
103 0.0797 4903472 Template::getTemplateString( ) .../Template.php:69
104 0.0798 4903472 GUIManager­>getString( ) .../Template.php:82
105 0.0817 4910632 GUIManager­>commandComment( ) .../GUIManager.php:577
106 0.0818 4913776 ccProc::controller( ) .../GUIManager.php:789
107 0.0818 4913776 ccProc::code( ) .../ccProc.php:47
108 0.0818 4914256 Command­>embedSearch( ) .../ccProc.php:1066
109 0.0825 4937640 questionSystem­>drawSearch( ) .../Command.php:1644
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110 0.0825 4937880 Template::drawTemplate( ) .../questionSystem.php:41
111 0.0825 4938072 Template::getTemplateString( ) .../Template.php:69
112 0.0825 4938072 GUIManager­>getString( ) .../Template.php:82
113 0.0845 4945232 GUIManager­>commandComment( ) .../GUIManager.php:577
114 0.0847 4948376 ccProc::controller( ) .../GUIManager.php:789
115 0.0847 4948376 ccProc::code( ) .../ccProc.php:47
116 0.0847 4948856 Command­>embedSearch( ) .../ccProc.php:1066
117 0.0854 4972240 questionSystem­>drawSearch( ) .../Command.php:1644
118 0.0854 4972480 Template::drawTemplate( ) .../questionSystem.php:41
119 0.0854 4972672 Template::getTemplateString( ) .../Template.php:69
120 0.0854 4972672 GUIManager­>getString( ) .../Template.php:82
121 0.0875 4979832 GUIManager­>commandComment( ) .../GUIManager.php:577
122 0.0876 4982976 ccProc::controller( ) .../GUIManager.php:789
123 0.0876 4982976 ccProc::code( ) .../ccProc.php:47
124 0.0876 4983456 Command­>embedSearch( ) .../ccProc.php:1066
125 0.0883 5006840 questionSystem­>drawSearch( ) .../Command.php:1644
126 0.0883 5007080 Template::drawTemplate( ) .../questionSystem.php:41
127 0.0883 5007272 Template::getTemplateString( ) .../Template.php:69
128 0.0883 5007272 GUIManager­>getString( ) .../Template.php:82
129 0.0903 5014560 GUIManager­>commandComment( ) .../GUIManager.php:577
130 0.0904 5017704 ccProc::controller( ) .../GUIManager.php:789
131 0.0904 5017704 ccProc::code( ) .../ccProc.php:47
132 0.0905 5018184 Command­>embedSearch( ) .../ccProc.php:1066
133 0.0912 5041568 questionSystem­>drawSearch( ) .../Command.php:1644
134 0.0912 5041808 Template::drawTemplate( ) .../questionSystem.php:41
135 0.0912 5042000 Template::getTemplateString( ) .../Template.php:69
136 0.0912 5042000 GUIManager­>getString( ) .../Template.php:82
137 0.0939 5049160 GUIManager­>commandComment( ) .../GUIManager.php:577
138 0.0941 5052304 ccProc::controller( ) .../GUIManager.php:789
139 0.0941 5052304 ccProc::code( ) .../ccProc.php:47
140 0.0941 5052784 Command­>embedSearch( ) .../ccProc.php:1066
141 0.0950 5076168 questionSystem­>drawSearch( ) .../Command.php:1644
142 0.0950 5076408 Template::drawTemplate( ) .../questionSystem.php:41
143 0.0950 5076600 Template::getTemplateString( ) .../Template.php:69
144 0.0950 5076600 GUIManager­>getString( ) .../Template.php:82
145 0.0985 5083760 GUIManager­>commandComment( ) .../GUIManager.php:577
146 0.0989 5086904 ccProc::controller( ) .../GUIManager.php:789
147 0.0989 5086904 ccProc::code( ) .../ccProc.php:47
148 0.0989 5087384 Command­>embedSearch( ) .../ccProc.php:1066
149 0.1001 5110768 questionSystem­>drawSearch( ) .../Command.php:1644
150 0.1001 5111008 Template::drawTemplate( ) .../questionSystem.php:41
151 0.1001 5111200 Template::getTemplateString( ) .../Template.php:69
152 0.1001 5111200 GUIManager­>getString( ) .../Template.php:82
153 0.1031 5118360 GUIManager­>commandComment( ) .../GUIManager.php:577
154 0.1033 5121504 ccProc::controller( ) .../GUIManager.php:789
155 0.1033 5121504 ccProc::code( ) .../ccProc.php:47
156 0.1033 5121984 Command­>embedSearch( ) .../ccProc.php:1066
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157 0.1046 5145368 questionSystem­>drawSearch( ) .../Command.php:1644
158 0.1046 5145608 Template::drawTemplate( ) .../questionSystem.php:41
159 0.1046 5145800 Template::getTemplateString( ) .../Template.php:69
160 0.1046 5145800 GUIManager­>getString( ) .../Template.php:82
161 0.1074 5152960 GUIManager­>commandComment( ) .../GUIManager.php:577
162 0.1077 5156104 ccProc::controller( ) .../GUIManager.php:789
163 0.1077 5156104 ccProc::code( ) .../ccProc.php:47
164 0.1077 5156584 Command­>embedSearch( ) .../ccProc.php:1066
165 0.1084 5179968 questionSystem­>drawSearch( ) .../Command.php:1644
166 0.1084 5180208 Template::drawTemplate( ) .../questionSystem.php:41
167 0.1084 5180400 Template::getTemplateString( ) .../Template.php:69
168 0.1084 5180400 GUIManager­>getString( ) .../Template.php:82
169 0.1103 5187560 GUIManager­>commandComment( ) .../GUIManager.php:577
170 0.1105 5190704 ccProc::controller( ) .../GUIManager.php:789
171 0.1105 5190704 ccProc::code( ) .../ccProc.php:47
172 0.1105 5191184 Command­>embedSearch( ) .../ccProc.php:1066
173 0.1111 5214568 questionSystem­>drawSearch( ) .../Command.php:1644
174 0.1112 5214808 Template::drawTemplate( ) .../questionSystem.php:41
175 0.1112 5215000 Template::getTemplateString( ) .../Template.php:69
176 0.1112 5215000 GUIManager­>getString( ) .../Template.php:82
177 0.1132 5222160 GUIManager­>commandComment( ) .../GUIManager.php:577
178 0.1134 5225304 ccProc::controller( ) .../GUIManager.php:789
179 0.1134 5225304 ccProc::code( ) .../ccProc.php:47
180 0.1134 5225784 Command­>embedSearch( ) .../ccProc.php:1066
181 0.1143 5249168 questionSystem­>drawSearch( ) .../Command.php:1644
182 0.1143 5249408 Template::drawTemplate( ) .../questionSystem.php:41
183 0.1143 5249600 Template::getTemplateString( ) .../Template.php:69
184 0.1143 5249600 GUIManager­>getString( ) .../Template.php:82
185 0.1164 5256760 GUIManager­>commandComment( ) .../GUIManager.php:577
186 0.1167 5259904 ccProc::controller( ) .../GUIManager.php:789
187 0.1167 5259904 ccProc::code( ) .../ccProc.php:47
188 0.1167 5260384 Command­>embedSearch( ) .../ccProc.php:1066
189 0.1176 5283768 questionSystem­>drawSearch( ) .../Command.php:1644
190 0.1176 5284008 Template::drawTemplate( ) .../questionSystem.php:41
191 0.1176 5284200 Template::getTemplateString( ) .../Template.php:69
192 0.1176 5284200 GUIManager­>getString( ) .../Template.php:82
193 0.1197 5291360 GUIManager­>commandComment( ) .../GUIManager.php:577
194 0.1198 5294504 ccProc::controller( ) .../GUIManager.php:789
195 0.1198 5294504 ccProc::code( ) .../ccProc.php:47
196 0.1198 5294984 Command­>embedSearch( ) .../ccProc.php:1066
197 0.1213 5318368 questionSystem­>drawSearch( ) .../Command.php:1644
198 0.1213 5318608 Template::drawTemplate( ) .../questionSystem.php:41
199 0.1213 5318800 Template::getTemplateString( ) .../Template.php:69
200 0.1213 5318800 GUIManager­>getString( ) .../Template.php:82
201 0.1233 5325960 GUIManager­>commandComment( ) .../GUIManager.php:577
202 0.1235 5329104 ccProc::controller( ) .../GUIManager.php:789
203 0.1235 5329104 ccProc::code( ) .../ccProc.php:47
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204 0.1235 5329584 Command­>embedSearch( ) .../ccProc.php:1066
205 0.1241 5352968 questionSystem­>drawSearch( ) .../Command.php:1644
206 0.1241 5353208 Template::drawTemplate( ) .../questionSystem.php:41
207 0.1241 5353400 Template::getTemplateString( ) .../Template.php:69
208 0.1241 5353400 GUIManager­>getString( ) .../Template.php:82
209 0.1261 5360560 GUIManager­>commandComment( ) .../GUIManager.php:577
210 0.1262 5363704 ccProc::controller( ) .../GUIManager.php:789
211 0.1262 5363704 ccProc::code( ) .../ccProc.php:47
212 0.1262 5364184 Command­>embedSearch( ) .../ccProc.php:1066
213 0.1269 5387568 questionSystem­>drawSearch( ) .../Command.php:1644
214 0.1269 5387808 Template::drawTemplate( ) .../questionSystem.php:41
215 0.1269 5388000 Template::getTemplateString( ) .../Template.php:69
216 0.1269 5388000 GUIManager­>getString( ) .../Template.php:82
217 0.1288 5395160 GUIManager­>commandComment( ) .../GUIManager.php:577
218 0.1290 5398304 ccProc::controller( ) .../GUIManager.php:789
219 0.1290 5398304 ccProc::code( ) .../ccProc.php:47
220 0.1290 5398784 Command­>embedSearch( ) .../ccProc.php:1066
221 0.1297 5422168 questionSystem­>drawSearch( ) .../Command.php:1644
222 0.1297 5422408 Template::drawTemplate( ) .../questionSystem.php:41
223 0.1297 5422600 Template::getTemplateString( ) .../Template.php:69
224 0.1297 5422600 GUIManager­>getString( ) .../Template.php:82
225 0.1317 5429760 GUIManager­>commandComment( ) .../GUIManager.php:577
226 0.1319 5432904 ccProc::controller( ) .../GUIManager.php:789
227 0.1319 5432904 ccProc::code( ) .../ccProc.php:47
228 0.1319 5433384 Command­>embedSearch( ) .../ccProc.php:1066
229 0.1326 5456768 questionSystem­>drawSearch( ) .../Command.php:1644
230 0.1326 5457008 Template::drawTemplate( ) .../questionSystem.php:41
231 0.1327 5457200 Template::getTemplateString( ) .../Template.php:69
232 0.1327 5457200 GUIManager­>getString( ) .../Template.php:82
233 0.1356 5464360 GUIManager­>commandComment( ) .../GUIManager.php:577
234 0.1358 5467504 ccProc::controller( ) .../GUIManager.php:789
235 0.1358 5467504 ccProc::code( ) .../ccProc.php:47
236 0.1358 5467984 Command­>embedSearch( ) .../ccProc.php:1066
237 0.1366 5491368 questionSystem­>drawSearch( ) .../Command.php:1644
238 0.1366 5491608 Template::drawTemplate( ) .../questionSystem.php:41
239 0.1366 5491800 Template::getTemplateString( ) .../Template.php:69
240 0.1366 5491800 GUIManager­>getString( ) .../Template.php:82
241 0.1386 5498960 GUIManager­>commandComment( ) .../GUIManager.php:577
242 0.1388 5502104 ccProc::controller( ) .../GUIManager.php:789
243 0.1388 5502104 ccProc::code( ) .../ccProc.php:47
244 0.1388 5502584 Command­>embedSearch( ) .../ccProc.php:1066
245 0.1395 5525968 questionSystem­>drawSearch( ) .../Command.php:1644
246 0.1395 5526208 Template::drawTemplate( ) .../questionSystem.php:41
247 0.1395 5526400 Template::getTemplateString( ) .../Template.php:69
248 0.1396 5526400 GUIManager­>getString( ) .../Template.php:82
249 0.1396 5527856 GUIManager­>commandComment( ) .../GUIManager.php:577
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250 0.1396 5530552 ccProc::controller( ) .../GUIManager.php:789
251 0.1396 5530552 ccProc::drawDesign( ) .../ccProc.php:41
252 0.1396 5530648 GUIManager­>getString( ) .../ccProc.php:1335
253 0.1397 5532472 GUIManager­>commandComment( ) .../GUIManager.php:577
254 0.1399 5535552 ccProc::controller( ) .../GUIManager.php:789
255 0.1399 5535552 ccProc::ecode( ) .../ccProc.php:47
256 0.1399 5536032 Extension­>getSiteProfile( ) .../ccProc.php:1078


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