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AVCONV, FFMPEG library added to build Docker image, Lossless MP4 audio extract

One of my project need lib libav-tools or ffmpeg, mediainfo for some image, video thumbnail generate, get info...
I see that this is may be overkill when added a quite big lib for only some simple task. But it seems there are not any more lightweight lib available.
My Docker image is a special (?) Aptible image for Express JS app (It's based on Alpine distro).
My Docker image file:


ADD package.json /app/
RUN apt-install build-essential
RUN apt-install g++
RUN apt-install python
RUN apt-install libav-tools
RUN apt-install mediainfo
RUN npm install --production

ADD . /app


These RUN apt-install is my added to default image. Ideally I think I should not do this way because it seem strange and some "unknown" drawback.
But it seem most simple way in developer view. Aptible like many other Docker based service (AWS Beanstalk for example) allow custom image, but again it too adventurous/danger. Need investigate alternative and better solutions. But as far as I know, Docker is bet fit with microservices (?) so if keep do one thing and do it well then may app (ExpressJS) is done well on most functional/features requirements already. The additional like image/video thumb should be separated, there are AWS lambda or something like this ?, I already use S3 for image/video storage.

Bellow is some command for handle image/video thumbnail. Again fucking rotation issue on handheld devices.

avconv -ss 0.5 -i a70130194664129528ba44c141ba6594 -vframes 1  -vf scale="`if(gt(a,1/1),320,-1)`:`if(gt(a,1/1),-1,200)`" -f image2 114.jpg

In my experience, we often have to manually handle iOS, Droid device problem with Image, Video thumbnail rotation. iOS media output often has different Exif infos. In node I have to use mediainfo node module to get Exif info. This way seem not efficient since it a huge package added to server (130MB on DK image) to provide little value. We can use bash cmd and regex to get resolution and rotation but it is a tricky work and not reliable.

Express vs Adonis.
When first time I working with Express, it like walking in a mine field. Every decision seems not sure  enough and lack of confidents. Adonis is cool, its structure based on familiar Laravel. Beside that there are SailJS... When I have sparetime I will try Adonis with Aptible. There are not default sample image/app for Adonis but it worth a try. And trace back in time mid 2017, I think this time Adonis is exist quite long. Aptible is new/less used (?) infrastructure, so may be its document and sample not well provided.

FFMPEG extract lossless/best can affort quality
MP4 => MP4 (audio copy track only)
ffmpeg -i video1.mp4 -c copy -map 0:a video1_audio.mp4

More discus here (with many music knowledge)


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