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Note AWS, cloud 5

php artisan down do what ? put app to maintenance mode.
heroku have setting for that (cool)
May be these thing like this make heroku shine here.
WP   can be set maintenance mode too ? pp complain ab WP but sometime it shine.
php artisan down not posible in cloud (ie. ELB beanstalk...)
=> where VPS shine ?,111012,202235

My bg task stop when lock screen. hmm lost few hour of data.

I run rails apps on Elastic Beanstalk and have found it helpful to think about Beanstalk as a computer (in this case an Amazon EC2 instance) running your rails app and a web server (either Passenger or Puma). When you get a 500 error, it could be because your rails app didn't properly deploy–in which case Passenger or Puma will return an error—or your app is deployed properly but encountered an error just like it might on your local machine.

In either case, to diagnose an error, download the full logs from your AWS console (open the correct app environment and then choose Logs > Request Logs > Full logs > Download). Deployment errors are harder to diagnose, but I recommend starting by looking in var-XX/logs/log/eb-activity.log. I suspect your error is coming from your rails app itself, in which case I recommend looking in var-XX/app/support/logs/passenger.log and production.log. To find a 500 error, search for "500 Internal" and then treat the error like you would any other rails error.

Thanks for the tip. Passenger.log lists ActionView::MissingTemplate but the view named is definitely present (it's the home page). The error message mentions :formats=>[:xml] when I'm not using XML - could this be a script/bot trying to access the page? Which might also explain why the problem automatically disappears? – Stephen Lead Nov 2 '15 at 21:51
I'll try adding respond_to :html to the home page's controller and see if that helps – Stephen Lead Nov 2 '15 at 21:53
There definitely are bots that try to access particular paths on a public site. I'm unsure why, but suspect it's either web crawlers indexing the page or looking for vulnerabilities. Because of this, you'd probably expect to get some 500 errors. I'm unsure why it's causing your environment to not count as healthy. Have you set up a health check link? – apod Nov 2 '15 at 22:16
Note: I didn't find it immediately clear from the AWS documentation, but it seems as though the health checker is monitoring web server (nginx, apache) and app server (puma, passenger) logs to get these codes - it's not just the ELB health check request/response, as I thought initially.

Each instance in ELB ping itself (behind) for health check between instance.
Fear of cron

Yeah, this seems gold

Doc on efs
should remove create script after it created, only mount.
keep an eye on backup/sync because of life cycle of instance/volume.

Mount efs suck, could this way work ?
Yeah, it's work. Seem default/sample mount script have problem. This script more compact.


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